Reading Assist is proud to receive national recognition for its accredited AmeriCorps program. In a highly competitive year, our program is one of only two programs in Delaware that qualified for direct federal AmeriCorps funding.
The Corporation for National and Community Service found strong evidence that our intervention model is yielding positive results for our students. For the past five years, Reading Assist has been able to help elementary school students with no reading proficiency reach grade-level benchmarks.
This grant will enable Reading Assist to add at least 10 additional Corps members to serve in high-needs schools and reach more than 200 struggling readers. At a time when the literacy gap is further widening due to this year’s COVID-19-related school closures, Reading Assist’s program will be more important than ever during the 2020-2021 school year. Whether online or in person, Reading Assist will be here for our students no matter what.